Well, It has been a while. Great to see you.
It has been some time since my last post, and I think its time for an update!
There has been quite a few events since my last post, most which have kept me from working on this story I love. From comic conventions, to commissions, to trials for some publishers, I've been kept really busy.
My thoughts are always with this story though. One I cant wait to share with you. In this time, I've been able to work on slight script details and character concepts, all which will be shared soon. Unfortunatley I'll be completing a few more commissions, including some cover/pin up work in the coming weeks, but hope to have some ground made up with MERCER in the coming months.
Its exciting making this comic, as unlike feature films, I have an unlimited budget and can add as many special effects and action scenes as I like, so this book will be lots of fun..
I feel my art has also improved, and will flex some artistic muscle more than ever real soon.
Stay tuned!!!!
Daniel Picci8